Monday, October 22, 2012

Carton box molding process

In the design of the carton box, you must first meet the general requirements, open means that the main area of ​​the board should satisfy most consumers usual. Second, we must consider the relationship between the carton box structure design and graphic design, it means that the structure of the design according to the characteristics of the packed product, environmental factors and the needs of users, it is reasonable is a design, infiltration, adhesive strips, dust flaps and other components. This is necessary for the general design principles meet and coordinate with the shape and design requirements. The shape and decoration must be an aesthetic point of view, focusing on the properties of a box. In addition, the size and strength of the structure is also important in the design of a box not only affects the appearance and quality of the cardboard box, and the relative costs of production and circulation.
According to the method of forming a carton can be divided into a cardboard box and glued cardboard. Paperboard is generally made of cardboard (thickness of 0.3 ~ 1.1 mm) according to the cutting and creasing, folding, folding flat for transportation and storage of goods, to the load. The advantages of low cost of production and sale of carton, suitable for medium to high volume, flexible structural changes, but his strength is low. Carton with plywood, it can be folded into a flat plate, and are transported and stored in the solid body. With a good anti-Pearce and combat effectiveness, rigid box, in the general area, but the intensity of the work of production workers, are products, at low speed, and the cost is high and is suitable for jewelry.
In the carton box molding process the blank of cardboard and printing process primarily affects the quality of the carton. If the cut is bad, it will affect the flow in one carton, and also lead to lose if the print quality is bad, it will affect the beauty of a cardboard box and its function. Therefore, you should pay attention to the precision cutting and printing of a paper box. In the manufacture of laminated cardboard, gluing process affects the quality of the box itself, gluing and decorating the corners requires a sticky solid, and there are no bubbles, flat and smooth. Position of the logo and the model is not correct. Now, the bonding process can by gluing together many packages are made.

The carton box is not just a set of products has high artistic, so that the principles of the carton box design should be scientific, reliable, attractive, durable principles correspond. Designers should reflect the scientific development of the internal and external structure of a box, depending on the characteristics of the packaging industry, the environment and the needs of users and other factors, it is necessary to the, ease workload of security features to use and display a box, and the identity of the general effect, given the structural modeling and design.