Monday, October 29, 2012

Culture in product packaging design

With psychological feeling of consumer packaging design is inextricably linked with the feeling function applicable conditions, the sense of quality, cheap feeling, the feeling of novelty, soft grip and other benefits of aesthetic ... All this shows that the product packaging design without the aesthetic and cultural skills, it is difficult to establish the aesthetic value in the package.

Packaging means, the composition can not be achieved without the use of contrast agents, reports, is symmetrical, rhythm, space coordinates, and so on, by modeling the structure of the the stable and easily symmetry and inseparable "balance, contrast and synthesis harmony, proportion and scale, rhythm and intonation and analog, change and unity of aesthetic treatment in related fields.Culture has a direct influence on the design of the product packaging, is the visible manifestation of the influence of cultural heritage a major role in product packaging design in the following points.

Firstly, product packaging design, support for the aesthetic culture. Aesthetic culture is the most important experience spiritual and emotional, to enjoy the culture, social and emotional. In general, the aesthetic culture of the reality of the culture, art and culture as the core of a wider spiritual and cultural tradition. With the continuous development of society as a whole civilization, the aesthetic vision of humanity and the field of aesthetic activity to continue to grow and develop.

Second, the role of technology to support culture in packaging design. Now, the technology was based cropping system on the host computer technology, which plays an important role in supporting the product, R & D and production developed. For example, the shape, the design, layout and design of packaging products in developed countries has created the technology of the computer for a long time. Can be done with computers, calculating, comparing, and change in the process of packaging design with a computer, packaging designers can scare without health community long physical and mental, that which could significantly reduce the development cycle, the precision of design results. and optimized the design and development of packaging design modern technological culture.